Increased Weight Recommended for Pregnant Women
Jakarta, Adds Body weight during pregnancy is common and can not be shunned. Well, how ya Body weight gain is good for pregnant women? According to Dr. Sigit Pradono Diptoadi, SpOG of RSIA Grand Family, adding weight Agency mothers during pregnancy influenced by Body Mass Index (BMI) before pregnancy. As known, there is a low BMI group, normal, and high. For normal BMI Body added weight of pregnancy until the mother gave birth to the addition of 11, 5-15 kg. But for a week in a semester is not the same, said Dr. Sigit at detikHealth recent times. Dr. Sigit explained in the first trimester weight gain mother Agency of 1-2 kg per week. Well, in the 2nd trimester maternal weight Agency fair so add 0, 5 kg per week. Average weight in the third trimester maternal Agency be added 0, 5-0, 8 kg per week. Read also: Maternal Obesity, More Risk of Esophageal AutismeSementara His son, according to Dr. Verawati S, SpGK of RS Kemang Medical Care (KMC) so long ago, for pregnant women who have a low BMI The body weight gain during pregnancy is recommended at 12, 5- 18 kg. For mothers who have a high BMI is recommended only rise 7-11, 5 kg. However, for women with obesity adding His body weight should always be supervised. Because according to Dr. Vera add Body weight in obese women may increase the risk of a problem with the pregnancy. For obese women rising 5-9 kg optimal. Most of the research say excellent addition is 7 kg for obese patients who are pregnant, messages from Vera. Read also: This cause is Not Everything Desire Eating Cravings Time Must be obeyed (RDN / ajg)