Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Diet Not Best Way to Lose Weight at U

Diet Not Best Way to Lose Weight at U
The latest guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that pediatricians and parents no longer focus on body weight and body shape of children, to prevent obesity and eating disorders.
Doctors and parents are also advised not to encourage teens to diet, because greater evils than good. This recommendation, emphasized the importance of parents and doctors to teach children a healthy diet coupled with physical activity.
Guidelines, published online August 21 and issued to respond to concerns about the habits of teens lose weight in unhealthy methods.
Adolescents who diet unhealthy, often go unnoticed by doctors and parents, because they do not have a body shape that extreme thinness.
But, the instant weight loss methods which they run, often cause adverse effects that are common in patients with anorexia nervosa, such as heart rate is not stable.
"" The youth is categorized as dangerous, because they are often missed by doctors, '' said Neville Golden, MD, professor of pediatrics at Stanford University School of Medicine and lead author of the new guidelines.
"" At some point, these teenagers may indeed need to lose weight, but they did so with a haphazard and out of control. ""
Approximately 40 percent of patients are now treated and followed the eating disorder treatment program is a teenager who had been missing from parental supervision and doktreternya, said Golden, head of adolescent medicine at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford.
"" The scientific evidence increasingly shows that for adolescents, dieting is bad news, ' "said Golden.
Teens freshman who diet are three times more at risk of overweight in grade 12, compared with peers who are not dieting.
"" The habit of counting calories also need to be eliminated, because it causes less energy adolescents in performing daily activities and can lead to symptoms of anorexia nervosa that may be life-threatening, "" Golden said.
Eating together
On the other hand, family meals can protect teenagers from the risk of weight problems. Golden thought, this may be partly because on occasion eat together, teenagers can see examples of healthy eating patterns from their parents.
"" The pediatrician may encourage the family to have time to eat it together as often as possible. Not necessarily every night, but as often as they could, "" he said.
Another lead author of the latest guidelines are Marcie Schneider, MD, representing the AAP Committee on Adolescence, and Christine Wood, MD, representing the AAP Section on Obesity.
Other experts on nutrition division of the American Academy of Pediatrics also contribute to create and develop these guidelines.

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Monday, November 7, 2016

Tips to Lose Weight on Their Employees who Sibu

Tips to Lose Weight on Their Employees who Sibu
QUESTION: Greetings, I have worked for a year as a front-liner on one airline. My job requires me a lot of sitting. A year ago when a new entry on my heavy work 48 kg, but now gone up to 10 kg in a year so 58 kg. I want to ask how can I control my weight so as not to grow. And I think I was getting a belly bulge it's extremely disturbing my appearance. I also rarely exercise because of the busy docks. thanks. Lia (19), TimikaJAWAB: Thank you ananda LiaMelihat increase in body weight (BW) experienced ananda within one year rose by 10 kg ananda means foods that contain a minimum excess consumption of approximately 75,000 kcal. The principle of controlling the BB is maintaining a balance between food intake and expenditure. If ananda want to lose weight (and should be done, considering the age of ananda young), meaning that should be setting energy intake where the reduction of 500 kcal per day, in order to obtain a deficit of 1-2 kg in sebulan.Pengurangan 500 kcal can be done through how diet and exercise. I give an example, if ananda will consume 1200 kcal (I can not count the calorie needs ananda precisely because ananda does not attach to their height), then the diet can ananda do is: - breakfast: wheat bread 1 sheet + boiled egg 1 egg + vegetables tomatoes, lettuce + timun- Snack morning (09:00 to 10:00): apples 100 g lunch: rice 100 g + sesame sauce chicken patties grilled tofu 50g + 50g + 100g carrots oyong cah - Snack afternoon (15:00 to 16:00): gelatin papaya orange sauce 100 g Dinner: rice 100 g + fish yellow spice tempeh sauteed mushrooms 50g + 50g + cah spinach carrots 100g - night Snack: low fat milk 1 cup (150 ml) If ananda still continue to feel hungry, can replace the desire to eat snacks with jelly or jelly or green grass jelly sweetened sweetener, should not use granulated sugar, brown sugar or honey. In addition ananda can also add vegetable squash, fresh oyster mushrooms, cucumbers, tomatoes, gourds, radishes, lettuce, leaf lettuce, watercress extra vegetables if still feels lapar.Untuk ananda ananda sport can do aerobic exercise with moderate intensity to high (treadmill, running, fast cycling, etc) for 30 minutes, so that increases calories burned and can help to suppress appetite. To help shrink the stomach can sit ups as well. Sports that do not take too long, so it will not interfere with the bustle of ananda too. Thus the most preferred in the process of weight loss is motivation and commitment are strong, so what ananda want to be reached. Good luck.
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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Increased Weight Recommended for Pregnant Women

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Increased Weight Recommended for Pregnant Women


Jakarta, Adds Body weight during pregnancy is common and can not be shunned. Well, how ya Body weight gain is good for pregnant women? According to Dr. Sigit Pradono Diptoadi, SpOG of RSIA Grand Family, adding weight Agency mothers during pregnancy influenced by Body Mass Index (BMI) before pregnancy. As known, there is a low BMI group, normal, and high. For normal BMI Body added weight of pregnancy until the mother gave birth to the addition of 11, 5-15 kg. But for a week in a semester is not the same, said Dr. Sigit at detikHealth recent times. Dr. Sigit explained in the first trimester weight gain mother Agency of 1-2 kg per week. Well, in the 2nd trimester maternal weight Agency fair so add 0, 5 kg per week. Average weight in the third trimester maternal Agency be added 0, 5-0, 8 kg per week. Read also: Maternal Obesity, More Risk of Esophageal AutismeSementara His son, according to Dr. Verawati S, SpGK of RS Kemang Medical Care (KMC) so long ago, for pregnant women who have a low BMI The body weight gain during pregnancy is recommended at 12, 5- 18 kg. For mothers who have a high BMI is recommended only rise 7-11, 5 kg. However, for women with obesity adding His body weight should always be supervised. Because according to Dr. Vera add Body weight in obese women may increase the risk of a problem with the pregnancy. For obese women rising 5-9 kg optimal. Most of the research say excellent addition is 7 kg for obese patients who are pregnant, messages from Vera. Read also: This cause is Not Everything Desire Eating Cravings Time Must be obeyed (RDN / ajg)



Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Wow! Berat Badan Dokter Ini Turun 8 Kg Karena Rajin Latihan Muaythai

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Wow! Berat Badan Dokter Ini Turun 8 Kg Karena Rajin Latihan Muaythai

 Tangerang - Bekerja sebagai dokter spesialis penyakit jiwa, dr Andri, SpKJ, FAPM mengakui risi dengan berat Badannya yang terus-menerus naik. Pada akhirnya, dokter berumur 36 th. ini juga lalu mengambil keputusan untuk menurunkan berat Badan lewat latihan Muaythai. Karena rajin latihan ini, ia sukses menurunkan berat Badannya dari awal mulanya 75 kg jadi 67 kg kurun waktu 5 bln.. Tersebut cerita berhasil diet psikiater yang berpraktik di Klinik Psikosomatik RS Omni Alam Sutera Tangerang ini, seperti dikisahkan pada detikHealth serta ditulis pada Kamis (15/1/2015) : Pekerjaan saya sebagai dokter jiwa dengan kata lain psikiater mengharuskan saya semakin banyak duduk dibanding bergerak aktif kesana serta ke mari. Seperti banyak 'kaum sedentary' yang lain, kehidupan saya juga sedikit di isi oleh gerak. Ke mana-mana bila dapat naik mobil, naik tangga malas serta seringkali memakai lift atau elevator saja. Kehidupan semakin enak lantaran ditambah dengan biasanya mengadakan pertemuan di coffee shop atau restoran berbarengan bebrapa rekanan atau kolega. Kehidupan seperti ini berjalan nyaris mulai sejak saya lulus sebagai dokter jiwa 6 th. lantas. Akhirnya saya jadi tambah berat Badannya dari saat ke saat tanpa ada saya sadari. Dari 60 kg waktu masihlah kuliah dahulu hingga pada akhirnya meraih 74, 5 kg di pertengahan Juni 2014. Saya sesungguhnya sampai kini mengaplikasikan pola makan nasi putih yang lebih sedikit dari pada umumnya orang lelaki seumur saya. Tiap-tiap makan, nasi putih yang saya mengkonsumsi paling banyak 7 suapan saja. Namun pola makan seperti ini pada akhirnya tak membawa hasil. Berat Badan bertahan meskipun seringkali agak condong naik dari bln. ke bln.. Ketentuan menurunkan berat Badan ke berat Badan ideal datang saat rasakan keadaan badan tak fit sepulang dari kursus di Paris akhir Februari 2014. Sepulang dari sana saya alami infeksi saluran nafas atas yang lama pulihnya. Antibiotik serta anti radang diberikan dalam jumlah serta saat lebih panjang dari umumnya. Saat pulih juga keadaan fisik kelihatannya tidaklah terlalu baik. Apabila saya tak pernah tidur siang jadi sore saat praktek dapat rasakan rasa kantuk yang mengagumkan. Badan lemas seperti senantiasa kurang tidur. Lama-lama tidur juga jadi kurang lelap. Saya memanglah pernah olahraga teratur lari namun lantaran kebosanan pada akhirnya saya berhenti sendiri. Waktu itu lari juga sedikit mengubah dalam berat Badan saya, jadi menjalaninya cuma satu bulan saja pada akhirnya saya putuskan untuk berhenti. Mulai sejak peristiwa kurangnya vitalitas badan ini pada akhirnya saya berupaya kembali mencari berolahraga apa yang kurang lebih pas buat saya serta dapat menurunkan berat Badan sekalian. Waktu putaran Piala Dunia 2014 berjalan, ketentuan untuk coba berolahraga Muaythai di buat. Saya mengambil keputusan ikuti Muaythai lantaran tertarik satu bahasan di satu surat berita mengenai pemain sepak bola Belanda yang alami kemunduran fisik serta pada akhirnya sembuh kembali dengan latihan Muaythai. Saya lalu mendatangi satu camp Muaythai di sekitaran Alam Sutera, Serpong tempat RS saya ada. Hari pertama latihan saya hingga keliyengan serta pernah minta istirahat sebagian lama lantaran pusing setelah lakukan skipping 10 menit. Latihan setelah itu telah mulai punya kebiasaan serta pada akhirnya pada latihan ketiga saya berniat beli gloves dengan kata lain sarung tinju sendiri. Harga nya relatif mahal, namun saya fikir untuk memberi semangat agar tetaplah ingin latihan saya mesti bikin saya malas berhenti berolahraga ini, satu diantaranya rasa sayang gloves tak terpakai jadi argumen waktu itu. Lama kelamaan saya temukan keasyikan sendiri belajar muaythai ini. Namun kenapa di bln. pertama latihan satu minggu 2 x berat Badan saya tak menyusut banyak? Berat Badan awal waktu masuk camp yaitu 74. 5 kg dengan lingkar perut 91 cm, sesudah latihan satu bulan cuma 74 kg saja serta lingkar perut tak beralih. Pelatih saya waktu itu menyebutkan hal itu umum. Gaya hidup yang masihlah terkadang belum teratur, makan malam diatas jam 9 malam serta banyak makan gula saya fikir juga jadi pemicunya. Saya memanglah susah tidak untuk makan diatas jam 9 malam lantaran usai praktik saja paling cepat jam 8 malam. Saya jujur masihlah bingung serta sedikit kecewa lantaran saya fikir Muaythai bakal membuat berat Badan ideal secepatnya. Pikirkan latihan kardio yang berat namun akhirnya nihil, siapa yang ingin? Saya sebagian fikir lagi apa yang disebutkan oleh pelatih saya ini serta saya lihat kebenaran disana. Badan memanglah mesti membiasakan diri dengan tingkah laku baru sebelumnya badan itu pada akhirnya punya kebiasaan. Pola tingkah laku dari latihan Muaythai sedikit banyak merubah tingkah laku jadi lebih sehat. Malam sebelumnya latihan saya mesti tidur cukup, berarti saya tak bisa tidur diatas jam 12 malam bila saya ingin bangun jam 6 pagi seperti umum saya bangun. Sebelumnya latihan juga baiknya perut kosong 2 jam terlebih dulu, itu bikin saya mesti makan siang jam 12 serta hal semacam itu dahulu kerap saya langgar. Akhirnya masuk bln. ketiga latihan berat Badan saya mulai berkelanjutan alami penurunan begitu halnya lingkar perut saya. Berat Badan alami penurunan bertahap tiap-tiap dua minggu serta lingkar perut juga sekian. Akhir Desember sebelumnya berlibur Natal serta Th. Baru waktu camp juga libur, berat Badan saya sudah meraih 69 kg dengan lingkar perut 83 cm. Saya mulai beli celana panjang baru lantaran telah kedodoran sekali dipakainya. Waktu saya menulis artikel ini, berat Badan rata-rata saya waktu kosong (pagi hari sesudah buang air besar serta sarapan) yaitu 67. 5 kg dengan lingkar perut 82 cm. Saya sudah meraih berat Badan ideal saya. Bila saya menginginkan berlaga Muaythai saya telah dapat masuk kelas Welter dengan berat Badan seperti ini. Meskipun Index Massa Badan saya masihlah 25. 49%, namun saya meyakini bakal meraih BMI ideal dibawah 25% kurun waktu dekat. Saya memanglah tak pernah membidik turun cepat seperti banyak iklan-iklan penurun berat Badan yang umum di promosikan. Hal semacam itu lantaran saya tidak mau berat Badan seperti yoyo yang mudah turun namun mudah naik. Ketekunan dengan tingkah laku sehat serta pola hidup sehat yaitu maksud paling utama dari belajar Muaythai serta itu sudah saya peroleh esensinya. Mudah-mudahan artikel ini berguna buat pembaca yang menginginkan coba Muaythai sebagai satu diantara pilihan dalam pola hidup sehat. Salam sehat jiwa serta raga. (ajg/vit)

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Difficult to Lose Weight? Perhaps because of Genetic Aspects

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Difficult to Lose Weight? Perhaps because of Genetic Aspects


Jakarta, Excellence Body weight may be due to a variety of aspects, such as stress or a meal with too excessive. However, the research found when the genetic aspects can also change the weight of the Agency. This discovery could help to shed light on an agency whose weight feels excessively difficult to lose weight Agency, said Dr. Andrew Whittle, one in metabolic research at the University of Cambridge, England, taken from the Medical Daily, Tuesday (01/12/2015). Also Read: Not Have Motivation, Weight Loss Program Can Only Do not succeeded in this situation because the fat yielded the intended protein sLR11. These proteins will make the body stop the fat burning process and avoid weight Agency. To obtain this result, some researchers who come from the UK and Japan to do a preliminary investigation in mice lacking the gene producing sLR11. Generally, in mice as well as humans moved from a low calorie diet so high-calorie diet, weight matabolisme would be increased. Beyond that, the mice will be able to burn calories faster. But when the researchers checked the sLR11 levels in humans, they found that when the protein content in the blood beradar will be correlated with fat in the body. Would result in blocking force them to do the burning of fat cells in the body that will be turned into heat or referred to thermogenesis. So the more fat one, sLR11 in production will increase. Until the system to be even more deterred thermogenesis and weight would be hard to produce heat to burn calories that lead to weight loss is difficult for the Agency. For obese patients who perform weight loss surgery Agency, the amount of fat lost after the operation will be directly proportional to the decrease in the level of production by the sLR11 some fat cells. Some researchers thought that the protein sLR11 designed to make more efficient storage system on the body to keep the body temperature as well as over the longer term. This research can help improve the new drug is better to reduce obesity by inhibiting this protein or control weight by following the action agency, said Jeremy Pearson, associate medical director of the British Heart Foundation. Read also: Call this Study High-Fat Diet Can Make Slow As in the know, obesity is a critical state where the ongoing accumulation of fat in the body to exceed the limit for good health. Body weight measurement and its relationship to health can be measured by calculating the Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI ie Body weight calculation that refers to a ratio of weight and height a. BMI calculation avail one of them to know whether a natural disadvantages, advantages, or a healthy body weight. (Up / RDN)


Thursday, October 20, 2016

When Done Like This, Pool So Can Provide Body Weight

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When Done Like This, Pool So Can Provide Body Weight


Jakarta, Swimming is recommended by experts as a good exercise to lose weight due to force all agencies to move in the water. Finally, the number of calories burned in a specific time period can be greater than with other activities. Furthermore researchers as well as a swimming instructor Professor Kay Cox of the University of Western Australia also expressed swim kinder on the joints because of body weight 'on hold' by water. Not at the time of a run in which the joints of his legs had to withstand the weight of each step. I think swimming is so well done by some people who want to lose weight. Pool does not burden the joints like the time people walk or run up your risk of injury is minimal and can be more likely to survive longer with the habit, says Professor Cox as taken from ABC Australia on Friday (19/02/2016). Read also: Let Swim! This 7 Benefits of Healthy Exercising RenangNamun so Professor Cox reminded that there are also bad things from swimming to note. Area cold water temperatures 26-27 degrees Celsius make some swimmers may feel hungry growing completed activity. According to Professor Cox doing exercise common ground such as roads or running can increase body temperature and this kind of thing usually can appetite. But at the swimming body temperature so much cooler than the public as well as by means of automatic agency will seek additional resources to normalize the temperature returns. If you swim, especially in cold water, the first thing you want to do so out of the water that warms the body by eating or drinking something warm, says Professor Cox. This sort ago so the argument why swim so can make a so-added body weight. Because compelled hunger, consuming food and beverages can easily exceed the number of calories burned while swimming. Professor Cox convey to handle the hunger there are other alternatives that can be done to warm the body. For example after example out of the water, maybe do a little exercise extra heating. Read also: Exercise Best for Lung namely Pool (fds / vit)


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

TV highlights: 'Jane the Virgin' returns to CW

TV highlights: 'Jane the Virgin' returns to CW


( All times Eastern).


The Big Bang Theory (CBS at 8) Sheldon and also Amy contest the shower room schedule.


Gotham (Fox at 8) Penguin surrounds the nomination for mayor of Gotham.


Supergirl (CW at 8) Supergirl is seriously wounded when a kryptonite-powered bad guy attacks National City.


Dancing With the Stars (ABC at 8) Rapper Pitbull does and aids evaluate the competitors as the pairs perform a Latin-style dancing.


The Voice (NBC at 8) Joan Jett, Sammy Hagar, Bette Midler and also Charlie Puth suggest the coaches as the fight rounds continue.


Lucifer (Fox at 9) Lucifer as well as Chloe check out a terrible murder after video clip of the criminal activity turns up on social media.


Ageless (NBC at 10) The trio adheres to Garcia Flynn to 1960s Las vega.



Desus & Mero (Viceland at 11) Desus Nice and Youngster Mero, a comedic duo from the Bronx, launch Viceland's very first late-night talk program.



The Odd Pair (CBS at 9:30) Period 3.



A Brave Heart: The Lizzie Velasquez Story (Life time at 8) This two-hour documentary accounts the author and inspirational speaker, who was birthed with a rare disorder that prevents her from putting on weight. Her problem made her the target of online intimidation, which she went over in a 2013 TED Talk that went viral.


POV: Goon Sparrow (WETA and MPT at 10) Filmmaker Nanfu Wang follows Ye Haiyan as well as other human rights lobbyists as they seek justice for 6 children that were sexually abused by their school principal. Increasing attention to the demonstration made the director and also lobbyists targets of government security, which is also chronicled in the 90-minute film.



Daily Program (Funny Central at 11) Russell Simmons.


Colbert (CBS at 11:35) Head of state Obama, Expense O'Reilly, Randall Park, Bob Weir.


Kimmel (ABC at 11:35) Ewan McGregor, Cobie Smulders, the 1975.


Corden (CBS at 12:37) Dakota Fanning, John Stamos, Shaquille O'Neal

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Rahasia Diet 4 Supermodel Dunia

Rahasia Diet 4 Supermodel Dunia     
    Jakarta Supermodel yang mempunyai badan langsing serta ideal mungkin saja mereka dapatnya dari aspek genetik juga keberuntungan yang tidak bisa disangkal lagi     namun untuk tetaplah memperoleh badan yang ideal pastinya mereka juga membutuhkan usaha lebih dalam menjaga keindahan badan mereka. 
Baca Juga    
Dietnya Beberapa Victoria Secret's Angel Sebelumnya Fashion Show
Sontek 5 Panduan Diet Jenis Seksi Victoria Secret    
9 Jenis Internasional Paparkan Rahasia Dietnya       Teliti Yu!  
Biasanya beberapa jenis beraktivitas fisik dengan teratur  serta tidak ketinggalan lakukan pola diet seimbang untuk meraih hasil optimal. Melansir laman Vogue  ditulis Jumat (29/4/2016) tiap-tiap supermodel mempunyai langkah diet semasing sesuai sama keperluan mereka.   
1. Gisele Bündchendiet nabati 
Fashion jenis sekalian ambasador dari United Nations Environment Programme ini  pilih menggerakkan pola diet nabati (biji-bijian) untuk melindungi badan juga kesehatannya. Ia konsumsi biji-bijian seperti millet     quinoa   serta kacang-kacangan yang lain.  
Tidak ketinggalan wanita kelahiran 80 ini juga tetaplah konsumsi daging     cuma saja daging yang dikonsumsinya datang dari sapi yang mengonsumsi rumput saja (daging organik). Makanan yang dijauhi olehnya adalah gula      tepung terigu  garam cafein serta jamur. Serta Bündchen lebih pilih buah-buahan fresh untuk dikonsumsi sehari-hari. 
1 dari 4 halaman

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Rutan Pondok Bambu Jessica Jamin Tak Feature

Rutan Pondok Bambu Jessica Jamin Tak Feature
- Jessica Kumala Wongso, the suspects in the murder of Wayan Mirna Salihin today transferred to Detention (Rutan) Class II A special detention center in East Jakarta or woman, in Pondok Bambu, East Jakarta. Jessica will be placed in a detention room Period Early Introduction of Environment (Mapenaling) measuring 5x8 meters, for 14 days.
Head Prison Class II A East Jakarta, Ika Yusanti, said there was no special treatment for Jessica. He will be treated like other detainees.
In terms of diet, Jessica will be given the same food as other prisoners. Same lah (food). Rice, vegetables, side dishes, the protein exists. Yes the same lah (food), said Ika, Friday, May 27, 2016.
Ika added, if there are family and friends who want Jessica visited him in prison, could come on Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. The visit schedule is different from the inmates who had no decision from the court. If for prisoners on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon, said Ika.
As is known, Jessica Kumala Wongso became a suspect in the murder of Wayan Mirna Salihin since January 29, 2016. Mirna died after drinking coffee in Vietnam Olivier Cafe, Mal Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, January 6, 2016. Allegedly, coffee drunk miRNA containing cyanide ,
Jessica officially detained at the Jakarta Police detention since Saturday, January 30, 2016. As per the Book of Law Criminal Law (Criminal Code), the arrest of a maximum Jessica made 120 days or end on May 28, 2016. The arrest while investigators complete the case file to the prosecutor stated complete and ready to file in
Public Prosecutor (Prosecutor) of the High Court (Attorney) DKI has expressed docket Jessica Kumala Wongso complete or P21 on Thursday, May 26, 2016. It was based on the letter head of the Jakarta High Court number B 3763011 / EPP / 1052016 dated May 25, 2016.


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