Thanks gorgeous Injectable Vitamin C
- Vitamin C not only keeps the body fit and resistant to disease, but also make the skin healthy and beautiful. This is because vitamin C plays an important role in the formation of collagen, antioxidants, anti-aging, inhibit the formation of melanin, as well as strengthen the walls of small blood vessels (capillaries) that can make the skin more toned, supple, and mulus.Namun, vitamin C is not produced by the body so as to meet the needs vitamins, you should eat foods containing vitamin C or a supplement (available in the form of tablets, capsules, liquids, or powders). From the outside, vitamin C can work directly on the skin in a cream or serum that other dioleskan.Pilihan is through injections of vitamin C. The latter is in great demand because it is considered to immediately give effect to the body. Even so, not everyone gives the same reaction after an injection of vitamin C. If the body is unable to properly absorb the vitamin C that is injected directly into a vein, then the benefits of vitamin C obtained was not optimal.Banyak manfaatnyaPada essentially, the needs of adult vitamins C is 60 mg per day. Here are 5 benefits: 1. As an antioxidant that can protect the skin from the damaging effects of free radicals caused by sun exposure, pollution, and smoking. Radikat smoking is one of the causes of skin kusam.2. As antiaging (antiaging early), because vitamin C can stimulate the growth of fibroblasts in the inner skin, in addition to augment the production of collagen. Thus, the skin can remain resilient, fast, and to avoid wrinkles of the face before waktunya.3. Giving direct effect in stimulating the formation of collagen in the skin, so that high doses of vitamin C can accelerate wound healing or after the process of care measures. Patients also feel fresh and fit (for vitamin C strengthens the immune system) and in some patients the skin so it looks more cerah.4. Reducing spots due to aging of the skin by inhibiting the formation of melanin.5. Able to prevent bruising in the skin by strengthening the walls of small blood vessels (capillaries) .Catatan: The benefits of vitamin C to the skin (as mentioned above) will occur when the levels of vitamin C that reach the skin in sufficient concentrations. (Utami Sri Rahayu / Tabloid Nakita) Speaker: Dr Srie Prihianti, SpKK, PhD, Dermatologist Erha Clinic Group manfaat green coffee pelangsing
- Vitamin C not only keeps the body fit and resistant to disease, but also make the skin healthy and beautiful. This is because vitamin C plays an important role in the formation of collagen, antioxidants, anti-aging, inhibit the formation of melanin, as well as strengthen the walls of small blood vessels (capillaries) that can make the skin more toned, supple, and mulus.Namun, vitamin C is not produced by the body so as to meet the needs vitamins, you should eat foods containing vitamin C or a supplement (available in the form of tablets, capsules, liquids, or powders). From the outside, vitamin C can work directly on the skin in a cream or serum that other dioleskan.Pilihan is through injections of vitamin C. The latter is in great demand because it is considered to immediately give effect to the body. Even so, not everyone gives the same reaction after an injection of vitamin C. If the body is unable to properly absorb the vitamin C that is injected directly into a vein, then the benefits of vitamin C obtained was not optimal.Banyak manfaatnyaPada essentially, the needs of adult vitamins C is 60 mg per day. Here are 5 benefits: 1. As an antioxidant that can protect the skin from the damaging effects of free radicals caused by sun exposure, pollution, and smoking. Radikat smoking is one of the causes of skin kusam.2. As antiaging (antiaging early), because vitamin C can stimulate the growth of fibroblasts in the inner skin, in addition to augment the production of collagen. Thus, the skin can remain resilient, fast, and to avoid wrinkles of the face before waktunya.3. Giving direct effect in stimulating the formation of collagen in the skin, so that high doses of vitamin C can accelerate wound healing or after the process of care measures. Patients also feel fresh and fit (for vitamin C strengthens the immune system) and in some patients the skin so it looks more cerah.4. Reducing spots due to aging of the skin by inhibiting the formation of melanin.5. Able to prevent bruising in the skin by strengthening the walls of small blood vessels (capillaries) .Catatan: The benefits of vitamin C to the skin (as mentioned above) will occur when the levels of vitamin C that reach the skin in sufficient concentrations. (Utami Sri Rahayu / Tabloid Nakita) Speaker: Dr Srie Prihianti, SpKK, PhD, Dermatologist Erha Clinic Group manfaat green coffee pelangsing